it's an educational course.
release = '1.9.3 (Build: 20081015)'
I have 5 files:
copia_de_seguridad_curso_20081126-1618.zip 8,502 KB
copia_de_seguridad_metodologia-20081126-1616.zip 26 KB
localhost.sql.zip 147 KB
moodle.zip 15,091 KB
moodledata.zip 33,737 KB
i made it at school, & i uploaded it on http://www.000webhost.com/ but i deleted it.
i remember it was difficult because the amount of data that can be uploaded is small.
now i want to upload it again, but i cannot find where.
I could restore the course on my computer first, anyway I want to be able to access it by internet.