many of us had troubles with automated backup and manual restore courses bigger than 2GB or 4GB...
I am working on Moodle 2.8.
Experimental settings with saving to other location (backup_auto_destination) than Course backup filearea allow me to do automated backup file over 4GB.
But I can not restore this file into course. When I'm selecting file from repository or disk Moodle makes a draft file from this file. Becouse of PHP limitations this file copied into draft area has only 238MB.
Anyone has sugestions how can i restore course from 4GB+ .mbz file?
I have some ideas:
1. Write some changes in automated bakup to force automated bakup split big course into parts containing sections.
For example:
Course has 28 sections, force auto backup to split into parts like below:
2. Make possible to do restore directly from path to .mbz file and extract it with some external program without making copy of .mbz file in Moodle file repository.