I've been cleaning some customizations embedding them in a local plugin. This plugin defines tables to store additional details to core 'course', 'groups' and 'grade_categories' tables as needed by my University administrative systems.
I've managed to get the backup of these data working. I have defined backup/restore classes using the course hook. All additional data is relevant at course level.
class backup_local_ulpgccore_plugin extends backup_local_plugin {
protected function define_course_plugin_structure() {
In this way I can get the backup performed and data stored in the .mbz file in the course/course.xml part.
<course id="3" contextid="1336">
I've defined the companion restore class to revover these data, but it is working only in part. The first data is recovered but child parts, group and grade_category, are not restored.
The restore class contain the structure
protected function define_course_plugin_structure() {
$paths = array();
$elename = 'plugin_local_ulpgccore_course'; // This defines the postfix of 'process_*' below.
$elepath = $this->get_pathfor('/');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element($elename, $elepath);
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('plugin_local_ulpgccore_grade_category', $elepath.'/grade_categories/grade_category');
if($groupinfo = $this->get_setting_value('groups')) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('plugin_local_ulpgccore_group', $elepath.'/groups/group');
return $paths; // And we return the interesting paths.
public function process_plugin_local_ulpgccore_course($data)
public function process_plugin_local_ulpgccore_grade_category($data)
public function process_plugin_local_ulpgccore_group($data)
The process_ ... method are required, if name changed the restore task aborts with a message indicating that a required method is missing.
However, when present those child methods the restore procedure proceed to completion but methods for child items are never executed. Only 'process_plugin_local_ulpgccore_course' gets executed and data is restored, the other two methods never get executed, and those data under 'groups' or 'grade_category' are not restored.
So, I'm missing something but I cannot figure. Any help is welcome!