Even though increasing the execution time in php.ini to 3600 doesn't seem to work. I did checked debugging option this time before taking a backup.
This is what it tells :
Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: progress() value out of range
More information about this error
Debug info:
Error code: codingerror
Stack trace:
line 195 of \lib\classes\progress\base.php: coding_exception thrown
line 1830 of \backup\moodle2\backup_stepslib.php: call to core\progress\base->progress()
line 202 of \lib\filestorage\tgz_extractor.php: call to backup_zip_contents->progress()
line 142 of \lib\filestorage\tgz_extractor.php: call to tgz_extractor->extract_or_list()
line 645 of \lib\filestorage\tgz_packer.php: call to tgz_extractor->extract()
line 104 of \lib\filestorage\mbz_packer.php: call to tgz_packer->extract_to_pathname()
line 269 of \backup\util\helper\backup_general_helper.class.php: call to mbz_packer->extract_to_pathname()
line 1796 of \backup\moodle2\backup_stepslib.php: call to backup_general_helper::get_backup_information_from_mbz()
line 34 of \backup\util\plan\backup_execution_step.class.php: call to backup_zip_contents->define_execution()
line 181 of \backup\util\plan\base_task.class.php: call to backup_execution_step->execute()
line 177 of \backup\util\plan\base_plan.class.php: call to base_task->execute()
line 120 of \backup\util\plan\backup_plan.class.php: call to base_plan->execute()
line 320 of \backup\controller\backup_controller.class.php: call to backup_plan->execute()
line 136 of \backup\util\ui\backup_ui.class.php: call to backup_controller->execute_plan()
line 131 of \backup\backup.php: call to backup_ui->execute()