So I dont have a complete fix but I changed my file and directory permissions. I was using the moodle recommended secure permissions found here.
I then changed my phprc file like so.
post_max_size = 105M
max_execution_time = 500
max_input_time = 500
memory_limit = 1024M
fastcgi_read_timeout 300
request_terminate_timeout = 300
log_errors = 1
error_log = /home/dreammoodle/php.log
Im now able to create users but deleting a course sometimes fails. Also restoring a course thats over 30MB seems to always fail. I made sure my site policy is allowing the php default of 100MB but still no luck.
Still nothing in the apache error log. Once I get the 500 error when restoring a course, I refresh then try restoring it again and I get this error.
Which just tells me that I need to add my questions manually.