Sorry. Let me clarify. We had created a mysql dump file and moved it to a network storage location. When the OS was corrupted, we could not recover the inetpub/moodle or the moodledata folder. So, we installed a new blank/fresh install of Moodle on a different server, imported the dump file and edited the config file so that it read from the restored database file. I had a feeling that clearing them out of the DB would be messy. I went and tried to backup a course manually and it did complete with errors again. I did rename the backup file to the course name and was unable to find it on the server (guess it's hashed). Then, I went to restore it as a new course and it did restore correctly. I also tried restoring a course from a backup and it also seemed to work correctly. Looks like I'm doing them one at a time! Thanks again for all of your help!
by United Electric IT Department.