If I re-call correctly, that CLI script takes some parameters found in the options set for backups.
Include users check box is selected by default which means automated backups will include users. Uncheck (deselect that item), run the cli script on one course as a test and you'll see the backup filename includes 'nu' ... no users.
php backup.php --courseid=[CID#]
where [CID#] is the course ID number.
In addition, I have a little script in /admin/cli/ that creates a text file so I can find course ID's from command line:
mysql -u root -p -e "use moodle;select id,fullname,shortname from mdl_course;"> courses.txt;cat courses.txt
courses.txt looks like:
id fullname shortname
1 Moodle 27 M27
4 Moodle Sharing MSHARE
After making your no user CLI backups, you'll have to go back to the settings and re-set whatever is desired for backups.
'spirit of sharing', Ken