Hi Susana,
Thanks for your answer, and the tips with instance=0 (good to know). In fact, i just see your message now, but was testing yesterday (nearly same things at the same time as you).
And i think i've just found a solution this morning
What i've done is :
SELECT id, course, section, module, instance, visible, added
FROM mdl_course_modules WHERE id IN (60660, 44659) OR instance IN
(60660, 44659);
| id | course | section | module | instance | visible |
added |
| 44659 | 60 | 3077 | 18 | 0 | 1 |
1406706501 |
| 60660 | 205 | 10350 | 18 | 0 | 1 |
1427362765 |
SELECT * FROM mdl_modules WHERE id=18;
| id | name | cron | lastcron | search | visible |
| 18 | scorm | 300 | 1444214720 | | 1 |
I've checked courses 60 and 205, but didn't find any trace of these activities. Tried to add the "Activity" bloc, to see if it would show something for SCORM activity, but nothing (so removed it).
My question was : can i just delete these lines from mdl_course_modules to get ride of the problem? But i was reluctant to do it in the first place.
So i've made new (and full) backups of these courses, and restored them on the same course, dropping existing course first : and it worked (deleted these lines in mdl_course_modules table). I suppose i won't have these error messages anymore in future automated backups
Hope this helps,