by ism rid.
hello to everybody!
I have a restore problem cause of a course with over 4500 files.
The backup file is only 3 mega big, but has a lot of files inside. Once i click on "performe restore" , the site with the button is loading around 10 minutes, After i end up with "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" without any Logs. I even don't get the progressbar.
I tried many thing like changes the variables in php.ini (like max_input_vars, max_execution_time, max_input_time etc..) tried with an other external zip plugin or the experimental tar.gz etc... everything i found, installed new version of moodle, but nothing helped.
If someone has any suggestions i would really appreciate!
(running moodle 2.7.2 on a SuSe with postgres...)
Thankd you & Greetings