by Jordi Pujol-Ahulló.
Actually, since there are so many big courses, I find it interesting to automate this task of building manually target zips that, from command line they are built correctly, but that from PHP script doesn't.
I have a solaris system in the server. I have built this script to help me. Hoping it may be of your interest:
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
require_once 'config.php';
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL | E_STRICT);
global $CFG, $DB;
$nonzipped = array();
$modtimecommand = 'perl -MPOSIX -le \'print strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime((lstat)[9]) for @ARGV\' ';
exec('grep -l error ' . $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/*.log', $nonzipped);
$backupdir = (isset($CFG->backup_auto_destination))
? $CFG->backup_auto_destination
: get_config('backup', 'backup_auto_destination');
foreach ($nonzipped as $i => $logfile) {
$dir = substr($logfile, 0, strpos($logfile, '.'));
echo '### Processing unfinished backup course directory: ' . $dir . PHP_EOL;
$xmlfile = $dir . '/moodle_backup.xml';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile);
if ($xml === false) {
echo '*** Could not load xml file: ' . $xmlfile . PHP_EOL;
$targetzip = $backupdir . '/' . $xml->information->name;
if (file_exists($targetzip)) {
$zipmodtime = filemtime($targetzip);
if ($zipmodtime === false) {
$zipmodtime = exec($modtimecommand . $targetzip);
$dirmodtime = exec($modtimecommand . $dir . '/.');
} else {
$dirmodtime = filemtime($dir . '/.');
if ((int)$zipmodtime > (int)$dirmodtime) {
echo '*** Skipping. Zip is up-to-date: ' . $targetzip . PHP_EOL;
$command = 'cd ' . $dir . ' && time zip -r ' . $targetzip . ' *';
echo '===> Running command: ' . $command . PHP_EOL;
There are some tricks over there:
- The $modtimecommand is useful to get the modification time from a file when it is so big that the filemtime does not work properly (and returns false).
- Using the passthru, instead of an exec, we get the standard output from the command out into our php script.
- I use this script, namely like post-automated-backups.php in the MOODLE HOME like this: time php post-automated-backups.php | tee post-automated-backups.log. This way we get the total spent time for executing all this at once.
Probably you can build your own automated_backup.php script to just run:
- the admin/cli/automated_backups.php script, and
- this post-automated-backups.php script, to complete unfinished zips.
Hoping this helps!