MDL-48533 is now closed as fixed, and these improvment will be in Moodle 2.7.6 and 2.8.4
But i'm disapointed, as i said as a comment on this tracker item :
In 1.9, from backup report's page, when clicking on one course name, you had one page with all the details of the different backups made for this course (which block, which activity, users, course material...) and you could easilly find what was wrong in a (or each) backup
Now, you get several pages (one for each backup) showing only the status, and "There were no logs found for this backup.", quite unuseful
I've seen that debuging must be activated to show detail. Why ? This wasn't the case in 1.9...
So, my question is : how can i have details on all the backup steps? At least for backups not well finished.
If debugging must be activated, how can i activate it only for automated backup (an option in admin/cli/automated_backups.php ?), and not for all cron jobs?
If somebody has a good explanation, thanks for it.