We went from 1.9 to 2.7 for Moodle, we had about just over 100 courses to import back into the new version. Originally as a fresh copy, I was able to restore all of those courses and they went in pretty well and we have been using them for 6 months. Some of the things were kind of wacky but all of the information was there and it was easy to fix. Well I have seen that I forgot one of the courses, so I went into the 2.7 version to restore the course and that is when I get the error. It goes through the motions, right up to the preparing the data part, then during the actual restore it will stop just under 1% and give the error. Any suggestions to getting around this? And thank you Tim for taking the time to look and respond to my post!! - Thanks, Angel
by Angel Vander Steeg.