You are my absolute hero right now!!! After spending two weeks on gamifying a course to get ready for next semester, I deleted it by mistake. Luckily I was able to find the backup in the trash directory (moodledata/trash) and get it to restore! For those other idiots out there, I found that going through the trash (lol) was not that bad. Just looked for the larger files - you do not even need to rename them, just drag them right to the restore window and let it tell you what is in there. I actually found the first backup file, I think there were about four in there, was the latest.
Deleting a course by mistake is of course a heck of a time to find that despite the fact that my backup logs told me I was restoring just fine, my server was disconnected from the remote backup folder and had never backed up one course.
Which brings me to the following questions -
Why, when I told automated backups to backup only to a remote server, are there backup files in my file directory (very thankful that there are but still curious)?
Why is automated backup logs telling me that all backups are successful when in fact they are not?
by Emma Richardson.