by Andrew Leer. Backup
I'm using Moodle 2.5;
I do a backup of an existing course, from which I want to backup a single topic.
- I enter the course
- I click "Course Administration->Backup"
- Uncheck "Include enrolled users", and leave only "Include activities", "Include blocks", "Include filters" checked.
- Click "Next"
- Check off just the Section / Subcomponents I want to include in the backup.
- Click "Next"
- Enter a filename for the backup
- Clicked "Perform Backup"
- Download the backup file.
- I go into the new course where I want to restore just the sections I have selected.
- I click "Course Administration->Restore"
- Add the file I backed up to be restored.
- Click "Restore"
- Click "Continue"
- Select the "Merge the backup into this course" radio button.
- Click "Continue"
- Only check off "Include activities", "Include blocks", "Include filters"; uncheck "Restore as manual enrollments"
- Click "Next"
- Set "Overwrite course configuration" to "No".
- Click "Next"
- Click "Perform Restore"
- Click "Continue"
- Click "Course Administration->Users->Enrollment Methods"
At this point I notice that the Cohort Sync from the course I backed up appears here despite my unchecking of "Restore as manual enrollments" in the restore process, and my unchecking of "Include enrolled users" in the backup process.
I click delete, to delete the old cohort sync at this point, and it doesn't effect the course that I backed up; but the two checkboxes should mean what they say. Is this a known bug?