by Kristina Ban.
When I restore course from M2.2 into M2.7.1 I've got that message:
setting controller status to 800
Module not fully restored: id 310
Module not fully restored: id 311
Module not fully restored: id 312
Module not fully restored: id 318
Module not fully restored: id 327
Module not fully restored: id 328
processing file aliases queue
setting controller status to 1000
saving controller to db
What is it? I found it in backup / moodle2 / restore_final_task.class.php
Update restored availability data to account for changes in IDs |
// during backup/restore. |
$this->add_step(newrestore_update_availability('update_availability')); |
// Note: This code runs even if availability is disabled when restoring. |
// That will ensure that if you later turn availability on for the site, |
// there will be no incorrect IDs. (It doesn't take long if the restored |
// data does not contain any availability information.) |
if(!array_key_exists($rec->newitemid,$sectionsbyid)){ |
// If the section was not fully restored for some reason |
// (e.g. due to an earlier error), skip it. |
$this->get_logger()->process('Section not fully restored: id '. |
$rec->newitemid,backup::LOG_WARNING); |
continue; |
} |
in backup / moodle2 / restore_stepslib.php class restore_update_availability, method define_execution()
On the first look everything looks ok with that courses after restoring. But maybe there will be some errors later. Anybody has the similar situation?