by Irith Herman.
I am tring to backup a course in moodle 1.96.
It stops in zipping file.
I turned on the debugger, this what I get:
- line 2417 of backup/backuplib.php: call to debugging()
- line 443 of backup/backuplib.php: call to backup_encode_absolute_links()
- line 65 of mod/glossary/backuplib.php: call to full_tag()
- line 2268 of backup/backuplib.php: call to glossary_backup_one_mod()
- line 3279 of backup/backuplib.php: call to backup_module()
- line 60 of backup/backup_execute.html: call to backup_execute()
- line 135 of backup/backup.php: call to include_once()