That's 'special' ... never seen that one before:
indicates the version 1.9 of the site is still accessible (date). Is that 1.9 version the highest of 1.9 - 1.9.19+? If not, what version?
If possible take the 1.9 site to highest 1.9.19+. Run the backups again and then attempt once more to restore to your 2.
If it fails again, you might have to unzip the 1.9 backup file into a test directory and inspect any/all .xml files. .xml files are like HTML files in that they contain 'tags' that indicate beginning and an ending.
The issue might be as simple as manually adding an xml end tag somewhere and then re-zipping the contents of the course. Then once, again, attempt restore to your 2.
In the test/unzipped backup directory there should be a moodle.xml file which is the main file used to restore a 1.x course ... open with text editor and see if there is a closing xml tag.
'spirit of sharing', Ken