Message from Automated backup.
I am currently running multiple versions of moodle on a single server. My Cron job starts the backups fine.
When the backups fail, the email I get includes the version of the Moodle that failed. e.g.
Courses: 30
OK: 11
Skipped: 18
Error: 0
Unfinished: 1
Some of your courses weren't saved!!
Please take a look at your backup logs in:
When the backups complete successfully there is no indication of which backup succeeded. The versions I am running range from 1.9.15 to 2.5.1. e.g.
Courses: 31
OK: 14
Skipped: 17
Error: 0
Unfinished: 0
Warning: 0
Backup completed successfully
Is there some way of including a way of identifying which moodle instance each email is coming from?