We are a Moodle 2.4 school. We have an issue with certain courses (not site wide) where faculty assigned as editingteachers cannot import materials into their sections/courses from prior semesters (where they are also assigned as editing teachers). It does not affect all users on the site so I am anticipating we have over-ridden a permission somewhere but I am uncertain where to start on this one.
The import looks as though it processes, however once complete (and the instructor gets a message that the import is complete) they click continue and are taken to their course, but no materials are included.
I imagine it is a course permission issue, as we have one instructor who also has a category level admin role. In their admin role they can complete the import - but are not allowed to do so if they are assigned a course level role in the course. (I can of course complete the import with site level admin capabilities).
Any ideas - even wild goose chases at this point are appreciated. We are a bit stumped.