by Rizwan Ghani.
We have update our moodle 1.9 to moodle 2.4 and everything is doing wel. Just we are having problems with making backup of a course. We have large courses with plenty of PDF files and Quizes. In moodle 1.9 was never a problem to make a backup of a course but in moodle 2.4 is this is a great problem. We have increased the memory_limit upto 1024MB and max_vars is set to 5000 but still not able to make a backup. Every time if we start to backup by the step schema settings if we want to select or deselect the objects it reacts so slow that one click takes about 2 to 3 minutes. Please we need help. We are just stuck. We also enable debug but so far no message displayed.
Thanks in advance.