This fall, I need to give TWO instances of the course I developed this summer. Each instance (I will call a group, some universities call them sections) will have the same content (same activities) as my summer course. However, each group has a different lecture schedule: say one meets Monday morning, the other Wednesday afternoon.
Is there a way to set up oneMoodle course for this fall such that all students can be enrolled in it, but, according to the group, the activities (quizzes, homeworks) will have different times?
For example, I give a quiz online for the required reading, and it is closed 15 minutes before the lecture time. Each activity therefore needs to have two different sets of parameters.
I am trying to avoid duplicating copies of the course in Moodle. There are 12+ quizzes and multiple homeworks I made this summer, and there are 100+ questions are in a question bank. I don't want to suddenly have 3 copies of the bank (especially if I start changing, adding questions).
Any insight about how to achieve this would be appreciated.